Spring 2014 Cover Image

Spring 2014

Issue 1 defining the writing lexicon with outstanding student writing

Picture of Tortoise


Thesis '14 THESIS: Preface

The Presence of Loneliness in “Song of Myself”
by Jordan Radke

Absurdist Consciousness and Post-Reflective Identity in Camus’ L’Etranger
by Jonathan Liebman

Motive '14 MOTIVE: Preface

Florine Stettheimer’s Family Portrait II: Cathedrals of the Elite Family
by Cara Zampino

You say Chanani, I say Chananaei: Language and Ethnography in Augustine
by Jessica Wright

Saratoga Billboard: The Façade of Advertising
by Seawheat Haile

Structure '14 STRUCTURE: Preface

Promoting U.S. University-based Hybrid Centers as a New Window for Advancing Rule of Law in China
by Jean Lee

White Consolidation and Red Panic: Cold War Racial Tensions in Southern Rhodesia
by Kellen Heniford

Bounded by Beauty: The Influence of Photography on Perception and Approaches to Cultural Landscape Assessment
by Alice Tao

Evidence & Analysis '14 EVIDENCE & ANALYSIS: Preface

The Secret of the Secret of the Nights
by Joel Newberger

This is an Essay: The Language and Legacy of Láadan (Evidently)
by Kelly Rafey

Catholic Fashion Blogs: Unite Modest with Fashionable, Catholic with American
by Miranda Kalvaria

A Note on Harry Bailey’s ‘Juggement’
by Daniel Elkind

Orienting '14 ORIENTING: Preface

PSY’s “Gangnam Style”: A Social Critique of Korean Consumption Patterns and the Media’s Perpetuation of Nationalism
by Eunice Lee

Explaining Values
by Benjamin Jubas

Feature '14 FEATURE

Cut Them Some Slack: Slacktivism’s Prosocial Potential
by Adam Mastroianni