Spring 2015 Cover Image

Spring 2015

Issue 2 Rethinking the Gap Between the Sciences and the Humanities

Picture of TortoiseForeword

abstracts    ABSTRACT: Preface

Strength: An Evil Inclination in Paradise Lost?
by Will Squiers

Deforestation and Increasing Diurnal Temperature Ranges in Amazonian Brazil and the Lowlands of Bolivia
by Adrian Tasistro-Hart

Spatiotemporal mathematical modeling of myocardin-related transcription factor-A signaling
by Benjamin Spar

introductions    INTRODUCTION: Preface

“She Preferred it Sunk in the Very Element it Was Meant to Exclude”: Making Sense of Nature and Sisterhood in Marilynne Robinson’s Housekeeping
by Lexi Tollefsen

Examining Succession in a Mangrove Community at Walsingham Pond
by Katherine Raber

Characterization of the Pathogenicity of the MSH2 P640T Mutation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
by Ramie Fathy

body    BODY: Preface

Embracing Individuality: John Singer Sargent’s Mr. and Mrs. I.N. Phelps Stokes (1897)
by Demi Fang

The Intellectual and the Physical in The Faerie Queene
by Karen Jin

Locational and Temporal Abundance of Various Net Zooplankton in Bermuda
by Katie Hanss

Deforestation and Increasing Diurnal Temperature Ranges in Amazonian Brazil and the Lowlands of Bolivia
by Adrian Tasistro-Hart

Characterization of the Pathogenicity of the MSH2 P640T Mutation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
by Ramie Fathy

“One thing only, as we were taught”: Eclipse and Revelation in Annie Dillard’s “Total Eclipse”
by Isabelle Laurenzi

conclusions    CONCLUSIONS: Preface

Cast List: Social Performativity within Hamlet and Consequent Dramatic Abilities of the Play
by Victoria Gruenberg

The Placebo Effect and Depression: Who Is Susceptible and How Does It Work?
by Saisai Chen

feature    FEATURE: Preface

The Jumpers
by Elizabeth Heppenheimer