Doruntina Fida

Liana Cohen ‘20 is an English major from New York City with certificates in Creative Writing and Spanish. She loves to write about film because it’s the closest thing to both time travel and teleportation. On campus, she is the Head Writer of All-Nighter and a member of the Edwards Collective. She wrote this paper as a junior.

Doruntina Fida ‘21 is an Anthropology major from Brooklyn, New York, pursuing a certificate in Global Health and Health Policy. Along with being an editor for Tortoise, she also works as a fellow in the Writing Center and is additionally a GHP Health Scholar affiliated with Princeton’s Center for Health and Wellbeing. She wrote this as a junior.

Close Looking, Spring 2020

Circles, Movement, and Temporality: (Re)Animating the Past in Hitchcock’s Vertigo and Miyazaki’s Spirited Away

In a Tortoiseshell: In her Junior Paper for the English Department, Liana Cohen interweaves analysis and evidence in her writing through the utilization of eloquent close reading of the films Vertigo and Spirited Away. Indeed, placing her exercises of close-reading alongside richly contextualized analysis of film theorists and Freudian psychoanalysis, Liana crafts a compelling prose that explores how both films attempt to reanimate the past.

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Evidence and Analysis, Spring 2020

The Invisible Man: Distribution of Blame for the Spread of HIV in African American Communities

In a Tortoiseshell: In her paper, Debby Cheng utilizes her thesis to roadmap her text to explore the nuances surrounding the distribution of blame within the black community during the AIDS epidemic prior to the introduction of an effective treatment. Using enriching and creative sources to provide evidence to her claims, Debby efficiently asks the reader to question, just as she does, the role of the heterosexual black man as the “invisible” force that perpetuated the spread of HIV in the United States during the last two decades of the 20th century.

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